OmniLux Infrared Light Therapy | LED Treatment

At JEMIOR, we employ LED light therapy as a valuable modality to stimulate and rejuvenate skin. Our OmniLux Infrared Light Therapy treatment is specially crafted to optimize the benefits of LED light therapy. Select one of our LED therapy treatments to pamper your skin with state-of-the-art skincare technologies.


The Benefits of Infrared


Our LED light therapy uses the safest, most advanced LED systems available today. OmniLux is a leader in the industry, with more FDA clearances than any other LED system.

JEMIOR’s LED therapy treatments employ three carefully selected panels: red, blue, and infrared. Each panel provides a unique set of benefits, offering comprehensive skin renewal. The red LED penetrates the collagen-producing fibroblast cells in your skin, boosting collagen production, and is anti-inflammatory by increasing blood circulation. Your skin will flourish with its anti-inflammatory benefits.

The blue LED offers antibacterial properties, blasting the P. acnes bacteria that cause acne. This panel allows you to enjoy flawless skin that's free of blemishes.

The infrared panel penetrates the deepest rendering the ultimate LED light therapy benefits. It minimizes photodamage and brightens your skin. It also stimulates the cellular processes of your skin, resulting in a boost of elastin, collagen, and growth factor as well as increases lymphatic flow.


Skincare Treatments at JEMIOR

Schedule an appointment at JEMIOR to enjoy the benefits of LED light therapy or one of our other services. If you have any questions or want to learn more about our functional skincare, give us a call at 866-987-0855.